

34 Articles

33 Surefire Habits of Successful Positive People That Will Transform You In A Year

Surefire habits of successful positive people! Are yours working for or against you? Positive habits are meant to direct self-development and

Facebook Depression: 7 Practical Guides to Facebook Depression

Is "Facebook Depression" an actual condition? Is it feasible that using social media excessively can lead to depression, loneliness, and

Is Porn addiction Ruining Your Mental and Physical Health? Here Are Ways To Overcome it

What Is Addiction To Porn? The term "porn addiction" is not well-defined. The boundary between porn addiction and what can

8 Foods and Drinks to Avoid if You Want to Fall Asleep

Knowing foods and drinks to avoid if you want to fall asleep is a measure to consider when having difficulty

8 Inspiring Female Teens who Changed the World

Most people usually ask a question if kids can be a hero. Who comes to mind when you think of

4 Inspiring Stories of Lawyers of African Female Lawyers

Inspiring Stories of lawyers that will motivate you to keep striving. Working as a lawyer can be gratifying for professionals

What Happen if a Concussion Goes Untreated You may not Know

Untreated concussion and other brain injury may lead to mental health problems, like depression, anxiety, and also change in personality.

What are the Causes of Schizophrenia: Symptoms, Treatment and Rehabilitation

 What are the Causes of Schizophrenia? What are the causes of Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder in which

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