Best Community Partnerships in Schizophrenia Foundations

Schizophrenia Foundations

Schizophrenia foundations

Living with schizophrenia can be difficult for those who have been diagnosed as well as for their loved ones and caretakers. Thankfully, there are a lot of foundations committed to providing resources, advocacy, and support to people with schizophrenia. In this article, we’ll examine the critical role these schizophrenia foundations play in providing support and a sense of hope to people and families managing the challenges associated with schizophrenia.

Definition of schizophrenia

The long-term, severe mental illness known as schizophrenia alters a person’s thoughts, behavior, emotional expression, reality perception, and interpersonal relationships. Less than 1% of adult U.S. citizens suffer from schizophrenia, making it less common than other serious mental diseases but potentially more chronic and incapacitating. According to a study conducted by Nigerian scientists and published in “Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country with an estimated population of 186 million people. Given the prevalence rate of 0.4%, the Nigerian population estimated to be living with schizophrenia is about 1.86 million people and the national cost of schizophrenia is estimated as $609 million”.

Schizophrenia symptoms

Feeling cut off from their thoughts or sentiments
wishing to stay away from people, even acquaintances
Schizophrenia’s negative symptoms can sometimes cause connection issues with friends and family since they can be misinterpreted as intentional rudeness or lethargy.

Psychosis and schizophrenia

Physicians frequently characterize schizophrenia as a form of psychosis. Both the sick individual and their loved ones may find it extremely difficult to deal with their first acute psychotic episode. The person may experience abrupt behavioral changes and exhibit signs of agitation, anxiety, confusion, anger, or suspicion of others. However, the majority of individuals experiencing psychotic episodes pose no threat to others.

It can be challenging to get them to see a doctor since they might not believe they need assistance.

What is the impact of schizophrenia on individuals and families?


A schizophrenia diagnosis can have a significant effect on the affected person as well as those closest to them. This subject examines how schizophrenia affects family individuals and the family as a whole. The family of a person with schizophrenia may occasionally bear various forms of strain, especially in the early stages of the condition. Both objective and subjective consequences are taken into account when determining burden, such as the financial output the severity of the sickness, or the emotional toll it takes on family members.

data on the global prevalence of schizophrenia

  • According to a study done in 2017, 24 million people worldwide suffer from schizophrenia, according to a Steven Zaudere post on crossrivertherapy.
  • Of every 10,000 individuals, there are 1.5 newly diagnosed instances of novel schizophrenia each year.
  • Among the top 10 conditions in the world that cause handicaps in humans is schizophrenia.
  • Five percent of people who have schizophrenia will take their own lives; these suicide deaths usually occur when the illness is still in its early stages.
  • Twenty percent of people with schizophrenia have attempted or will try suicide at least once in their lifetime.
  • A 2019 estimate states that over a million Americans receive a diagnosis of schizophrenia each year.
  • Seventy percent of kids with schizophrenia are never diagnosed in their early years.
  • Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia often live around thirty years shorter than the average American, who is seventy-seven years old.

The Importance of Schizophrenia Foundation

It is impossible to overstate the significance of the Mental Health Foundation as a non-governmental organization and social enterprise that works to promote well-being through research, training, advocacy, policy reforms related to mental health, and the provision of services and practical intervention.
Numerous foundations dedicated to schizophrenia share the personal stories of their members, raising public awareness of the illness.

The need for specialized support for individuals with schizophrenia

The majority of people with schizophrenia need assistance with everyday tasks. Programs to assist those with schizophrenia in finding employment, housing, self-help groups, and crisis circumstances are available in many communities. A member of the treatment team or a case manager can assist with resource discovery. We provide specialist help for people with schizophrenia at Dailylifeforce.

How Schizophrenia Foundations Address These Challenges

Schizophrenia foundations use advocacy, instruction, and support services to address the following issues that affect people with schizophrenia and their families:


At the local, national, and international levels, Schizophrenia Foundations fight for the needs and rights of people living with schizophrenia. They try to persuade decision-makers, medical professionals, and the general public to give mental health services, financing, and research top priority. Campaigning for better treatment access, supporting anti-stigma initiatives, and endorsing laws that safeguard the rights of people with mental illness are a few examples of advocacy activities.


To improve knowledge and awareness of schizophrenia among the general public, medical professionals, educators, and legislators, foundations offer educational resources and materials. These tools could be brochures, workshops, training courses, and informational websites that try to debunk stereotypes, lessen stigma, and encourage early detection and action. Education programs also assist those with schizophrenia and their families in learning about coping mechanisms, community services, and accessible treatment alternatives.

Support Services

A variety of services are provided by schizophrenia foundations specifically to meet the needs of people living with schizophrenia and their families. This could include professional helplines with information, emotional support, and connections to nearby resources provided by experienced staff members. Individuals with schizophrenia and those close to them are brought together in support groups to exchange stories, provide encouragement to one another, and grow from one another. Additionally, to support people with schizophrenia in living freely and actively participating in their communities, foundations may provide financial aid, housing support, and vocational rehabilitation.

Foundations for schizophrenia play a critical role in tackling the difficulties experienced by individuals and families afflicted by the condition by combining advocacy, education, and support services. In addition to pushing for laws and resources that increase access to treatment and improve quality of life, they seek to advance greater understanding, acceptance, and support for people who are living with schizophrenia.

Services Schizophrenia By Foundation’s

Foundations for schizophrenia provide a wide range of services to help those with the illness and their families. Among the important services that these foundations offer are:

Hotlines & Helplines

A large number of schizophrenia foundations run hotlines manned by qualified experts who offer advice, information, and connections to people in need. These hotlines provide a private, encouraging setting where people can voice concerns, ask questions, and get advice on how to get mental health assistance.

Support Groups

Schizophrenia foundations frequently provide support groups for people with schizophrenia diagnoses as well as their families. These support groups offer a secure environment for people to discuss their feelings, experiences, and coping mechanisms with others who are aware of the difficulties associated with having the illness. Support groups enable people to connect with others going through similar experiences no matter where they live. They can meet in person or virtually.

Educational Workshops and Seminars

To disseminate knowledge about schizophrenia, its symptoms, available treatments, and coping mechanisms, foundations host educational workshops, seminars, and conferences. Presentations by researchers, mental health specialists, and those who have experienced schizophrenia firsthand may be included in these gatherings.
The goals of educational initiatives are to lower stigma, raise awareness, and provide families and individuals the power to make decisions about their mental health care.

Online Resources

Several organizations devoted to schizophrenia have well-stocked websites with information on the disease and associated subjects. These resources include fact sheets, essays, videos, and downloadable files. These internet resources are a great way for caregivers, medical professionals, and anybody looking for information about the condition to get support and information.

Advocacy and Policy Initiatives

Through policy initiatives and advocacy, Schizophrenia Foundations fight for the needs and rights of people living with schizophrenia. They try to persuade decision-makers, medical professionals, and the general public to give mental health services, financing, and research top priority. Campaigning for better treatment access, supporting anti-stigma initiatives, and endorsing laws that safeguard the rights of people with mental illness are a few examples of advocacy activities.

Grants & Funding for Research

Several foundations dedicated to schizophrenia offer financial support for studies aimed at figuring out the origins of the disorder, creating fresh therapies, and enhancing the lives of those afflicted. Foundations help to advance scientific understanding and innovation in the field of schizophrenia by funding research activities.
In general, schizophrenia foundations are essential in helping those afflicted with the illness and their families by offering advocacy, education, and support. These foundations advocate for resources and legislation that improve mental health care while fostering more awareness, acceptance, and support for individuals living with schizophrenia through a wide range of programs.

Specific Examples of Programs and Initiatives Offered by Prominent Schizophrenia

particular instances of the projects and activities that well-known schizophrenia charities have to offer
Even if there aren’t as many specific instances of schizophrenia foundations in Nigeria as there are in other places, there are nonetheless efforts and programs that serve people with schizophrenia and their families. Here are a few instances:

Nigerian Initiative for Mental Awareness (MANI):

knowledge Campaigns: To raise public knowledge of mental health issues and lessen the stigma associated with diseases like schizophrenia, MANI runs several awareness campaigns and educational initiatives.
Support Groups: MANI organizes safe spaces where people with schizophrenia and other mental health disorders can discuss their experiences and coping mechanisms.

Training and Workshops: To improve knowledge of mental health conditions, including schizophrenia, MANI hosts training sessions and workshops for the general public, community leaders, and healthcare professionals.

Nigerian Mental Health Foundation:

  • Community Outreach Programs: To promote mental health education, awareness, and support, The Mental Health Foundation Nigeria runs community outreach programs throughout different regions. Seminars, workshops, and awareness campaigns are a few possible program components.
  • Counseling and Support Services: The foundation provides emotional support and direction to assist manage symptoms and enhance the quality of life for those impacted by schizophrenia and other mental health conditions.

Advocacy and Policy Engagement

The Mental Health Foundation Nigeria works to advance laws and programs that assist people with mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, and guarantee that they have access to high-quality mental health services.

Nigerian Association of Psychiatrists (APN):

  • Professional Development and Training: To improve the knowledge and abilities of mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, in the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia and other mental diseases, APN provides conferences, workshops, and training programs.
  • Community Mental Health Initiatives: APN works with nearby communities to carry out community mental health initiatives, such as outreach clinics, screening programs, and community-based rehabilitation services, to enhance access to mental health care services.

Research and Advocacy

To guide evidence-based practices and policies, APN researches schizophrenia and other mental health conditions that are common in Nigeria. Additionally, the group pushes for more government financing and resources for mental health services.
Even though there are differing levels of resources and assistance available for schizophrenia in Nigeria, these organizations and projects are striving to meet the mental health needs of those living with schizophrenia as well as their family.

The role of research and innovation in the work of schizophrenia foundations

The work of schizophrenia foundations is greatly aided by research and innovation, as they try to enhance knowledge, care, and results for those who are impacted by the illness. The following are some ways that innovation and research support these foundations’ missions:
Increasing Scientific Understanding: Research programs that attempt to increase scientific understanding of the causes, risk factors, and underlying mechanisms of schizophrenia are funded and supported by schizophrenia foundations. Foundations contribute to a deeper knowledge of the molecular, genetic, and environmental variables that contribute to the development of schizophrenia by funding basic and translational research.

Creating New Therapies

New and improved therapies for schizophrenia are being developed thanks to research funded by charities dedicated to the disease. This covers psychosocial counseling, medication-assisted therapy, and cutting-edge interventions like digital health products and methods for brain stimulation. Foundations aim to minimize the burden of sickness on individuals and society, improve functional results, and improve symptom management through research on innovative treatment options.

Endorsing Early Intervention and Prevention

To further early intervention and prevention tactics, foundations fund research projects that concentrate on identifying early indicators and risk factors for schizophrenia. By limiting the impact of symptoms on cognitive and social functioning and shortening the period of untreated psychosis, early detection, and management have been demonstrated to enhance outcomes for individuals with schizophrenia.

Research on Unmet Needs

Funded by schizophrenia foundations, this project aims to address gaps in the field by developing treatments for schizophrenia that are resistant to current treatments, managing co-occurring disorders, and developing interventions to address cognitive deficits and functional impairments related to the illness. Foundations work to improve the quality of life and long-term results for people with schizophrenia by concentrating on areas with a high unmet need.

Research Findings Translated into Clinical Practice and Policy:

Schizophrenia foundations are essential for converting research results into clinical practice and policy. They back initiatives aimed at educating the public, legislators, and healthcare professionals about evidence-based procedures, guidelines, and solutions. Foundations ensure that scientific advancements in the field of schizophrenia are successfully utilized to enhance patient care and results by bridging the gap between research and practice.

Promoting Collaboration and Partnerships

To advance schizophrenia research and innovation, foundations support partnerships and collaborations between scientists, physicians, advocacy organizations, business partners, and governmental organizations. Foundations handle complicated challenges and advance the field by bringing together diverse stakeholders to establish synergies, share resources, and use expertise.

To sum up, research and innovation play a crucial role in the work of Schizophrenia Foundations, propelling advancements in the field’s understanding, treatment, and prevention. Foundations work to improve the lives of people with schizophrenia and their families by funding research, putting findings into practice, and encouraging collaboration. Ultimately, they want to lessen the illness’s global burden.

How to Empower Schizophrenia Patients and Their Families

As per a study conducted by Zhou DR, Chiu YM, Lo TW, and others.
Outside-in empowerment, which comprises information, coping mechanisms, and family connection, is inextricably linked to the integrative empowerment-based family empowerment model. The integrative empowerment-based family empowerment approach is also greatly influenced by the outside-in empowerment component. This may be the case because, when provided with supportive information, adaptive coping mechanisms, and the capacity to foster relationships among family members, families can effectively manage illnesses, cope with stress, and discover new meanings when caring for patients diagnosed with schizophrenia disorder. Research from the past demonstrates that outside-in empowerment gives families awareness advocacy, emotional coping skills, communication skills, and associated knowledge. This includes information about schizophrenia and its treatment, enhancing coping mechanisms, communication skills, and illness management.

Success Story of Dr. Chieshi a Nigerian diagnosed with Schizophrenia

Abuja, October 11, 2022 – In 1990, Dr. Chieshi received a schizophrenia diagnosis.

Dr. Terver Simon Chieshi had to take a year off from school in 1990 after receiving a diagnosis of schizophrenia at the university to receive medical attention.

He recounted how difficult it was for him to accept the diagnosis as a final-year medical student.

Dr. Chieshi has learned to accept the challenge of his diagnosis. He uses his expertise to assist others who have been diagnosed with mental health disorders. He is currently employed as the head medical officer at a health center in the state of Benue.

In honor of World Mental Health Day in 2022, Dr. Chieshi, who received his diagnosis 32 years ago, discusses his experience managing the illness.
from medical school to mental health issues

“I inform folks that I have a schizophrenia diagnosis. I was bedridden for a year following my 1990 diagnosis so I could take my medication. After managing my symptoms of schizophrenia, I went back to school right away to get ready for my test. I was aware that the drug would prevent me from specializing in my chosen field of medicine.

“I realized that the only thing I could do was to increase my understanding of what they claimed to be my issue, which inspired me to pursue studies in social work and psychology,” the speaker stated.

Regarding stigma

However, Dr. Chieshi bemoaned how patients with mental health problems are treated.

He claimed that people often regard persons who struggle with mental illness as crazy.

They must realize that we are not and that our perspective is simply different from everyone else’s. It’s a resource that society should utilize. So many more people suffer from what, in my opinion, is a stigmatized diagnosis rather than one that is necessarily accurate.

“I write and I’m an artist. Should we disregard someone who is diagnosed with mental illness but is nonetheless capable of thought and creativity just because they have a mental health diagnosis?

“They disregard their craft because of the stigma associated with the illness, and we wonder why they do so. This brings condemnation upon entire generations of knowledge, wisdom, and everything we lose,” the speaker stated.

There is yet hope.

“After getting my symptoms of schizophrenia under control, I felt secure and started assisting others who had been diagnosed with mental health disorders in accepting their circumstances as they are.

As an artist, I compose songs and poetry and continue to grow, progressively increasing my ability to the point where I can make small contributions to the system.

Regardless of what the public, other people, or even yourself think negatively about you, you should always be improving yourself. This is my advice to those who struggle with mental health concerns.

He stated, “I wrote a book during that period that got published in 2014, so I knew it was an orchestrated admission when I had a relapse and was admitted to the hospital in 2008.”

Assisting others

Despite the difficulties brought on by his sickness, Dr. Chieshi claims he has persevered and uses his knowledge to assist those who find themselves in similar situations.

There is a wide range of experience in working with mental health individuals. I want to reassure people who are struggling with mental health concerns that they are not alone, having lived with one for 32 years.

“I recently assisted a woman who was contemplating suicide and is a medical student. She is doing well these days and is still going to school, as I know because I check up on her regularly. I share my knowledge to inspire others, and I’ve worked with the state of Benue’s comprehensive community mental health program,” he stated.
Wellness in mental health

Dr. Chieshi observed that a large number of persons in our community suffer from mental problems.

Even though folks without illnesses never give a damn about those who suffer from mental health problems. In keeping with this year’s World Mental Health Day theme, which is that everyone should care for those who are dealing with mental health concerns.

Speaking on the significance of mental well-being, Professor Taiwo Obindo, a psychiatrist, stated

People with mental health conditions like schizophrenia can recover with the correct care and assistance. Individuals who have been diagnosed with mental health disorders shouldn’t be shunned, and those who are struggling should speak up and get support. There are helpful and accessible mental health services that can improve your quality of life.

Dr. Kazadi Walter Mulombo, the WHO Representative, stated that the organization is dedicated to helping the Nigerian government and its allies establish the frameworks and policies required for the prevention and management of mental health issues in the nation.

“I, therefore, request everyone to jointly commit and ensure that mental health and wellbeing becomes a priority for us all,” he said, referring to this year’s theme, “Make mental health for all a global priority.”
October 10 is designated as World Mental Health Day. Since 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) has coordinated a worldwide campaign to increase public awareness of mental health concerns and organize initiatives to support mental health.

In Conclusion

Schizophrenia foundations play a vital role in supporting individuals, and families affected by schizophrenia, advocating for their rights, and promoting awareness and understanding of the condition. Through a combination of education, advocacy, support services, and research funding. These foundations contribute to improving the lives of those living with schizophrenia and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. For instance, Bethany Yeiser is one of the advocates who co-founded a schizophrenia foundation known as the “CURESZ Foundation” with the psychiatrist doctor who treated her during her psychotic episode.

Zitamary Anumenwe
About Zitamary Anumenwe 14 Articles
With my individualized positivity approach, we will work to get past roadblocks to help you develop strength that will enable you to achieve your personal goals. Committing to a healthier lifestyle and motivation is just that a commitment, and it’s a big one that will take a lot of dedication. My commitment is to provide you with accountability, understanding, and support.

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