Amphetamine Sides Effects and Treatment

Amphetamine Sides Effects
Amphetamine Sides Effects

Amphetamine side effects are becoming alarming these days. However, Amphetamine is a controlled drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). Attention deficit disorder is a condition in which a person, most often children, have a short attention span and become easily distracted, becomes overtly emotional and overreacts, and finally becomes highly impulsive. Another use of Amphetamine in adults is to treat narcolepsy, in which the person becomes highly uncontrollable to the attacks on sleep.

Amphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant and is very strictly controlled. Children under six years of age are given unique formulations with less drug content than the adult dose. It is a potentially habit-forming drug and also can be highly abused. The nature of the condition that the Amphetamine is used to treat demands a prolonged use of the drug and therefore causes dependence and addiction.’

Amphetamine Side Effects are

  • A dry mouth can be treated with constant hydration and moisturizing. It is recommended that the patient should always have a candy bar or chewing gum handy at all times.
  • Intestinal and stomach disturbances, in addition to a daily scheduled walk, some over-the-counter medication that reduces cramps and gas are readily available to treat the disorders.
  • Lack of appetite: drink fruit juices and exercise.
  • Weight Loss, eat when you see food. Do not wait to be hungry.
  • High Blood pressure.
  • Nausea and vomiting 

Other possible amphetamine side effects include hive, fever, impotence, overstimulation, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, and mood swings.

Amphetamine Description

Amphetamine should be taken exactly as the doctor prescribes, and when you miss a dose, take one immediately. As long as you have six (6hrs) before you go to bed, take one amount as soon as you remember.

You must give the doctor your complete medical history before he prescribes Amphetamine for you. This is because there are many possible drugs to drug interactions between Amphetamine and other drugs. Also, drug and Food interactions can be avoided if your doctor has your complete medical history before starting you on Amphetamine.

Amphetamine and its other salts are controlled substances. Because of their potential for abuse, they are classified as Schedule I by the Food Drug Administration under the controlled substance act. It should be noted that. Tests can detect Amphetamine and its salts in blood, urine, hair, and saliva samples.

Amphetamine should never be taken with alcohol because of Amphetamine side effects potential. Amphetamine causes an increase in Norepinephrine in the system. The hormone activates the sympathetic nervous system by causing the release of Norepinephrine in the brain, causing the fight or flight process. Amphetamine increases the release of the pleasure-seeking neurotransmitter “DOPAMINE”‘

Dopamine causes hopelessness and worthlessness syndrome often exhibited by drug addicts and alcohol abusers. Dopamine is also a happy “hormone” as it arouses a sense of pleasure and joy in the brain.

Amphetamine Effects on Pregnancy

There are documented studies that point to amphetamines causing fetal growth reduction in pregnancy. Other problems associated with amphetamines in pregnancy include Cleft lips or palates and in-born disease or cardiac abnormalities.

Treatment of Amphetamine addiction

There are several ways to treat an amphetamine addict;

  1. It is always advisable to get the family members involved through group sessions during which they are taught what to expect and how to manage the condition.
  2. The psychotherapist, psychiatrist, or mental health assistant will educate the family on how to avoid relapse by following the therapist’s guidelines.
  3. Urine tests are done to ensure abstinence from the drug.
  4. The addicted individual should also participate in self-help group sessions.

 Two types of treatment options available to an Amphetamine addict are

  •  Medication
  •  Counseling therapies

Medication therapy deals with pharmacological intervention used during a stimulant drug state. Among the drugs used are targeted to reduce anxiety which is one of the symptoms of the withdrawal effects, and anti-craving to calm down erratic behaviors, violence, and psychosis.

  Detox from Amphetamine

Detoxing from Amphetamine is considered safe and easy to transition from active addiction to natural treatment. However, many individuals need to detox in a clinic because the symptoms of amphetamine detox can be difficult and based on severity, whether inpatient or outpatient-based.

  Expectations in Amphetamine detox treatment

Amphetamine use has increased in recent years and continues to be on the rise. The struggle to recover from Amphetamine makes it very difficult to determine what to expect, and treatment approaches may vary. The most crucial process is how to make the patient comfortable, there are inpatient and outpatient clinics for detox addicts, and most treatments are free.

Again the treatment models are inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation; there is a drug and behavioral therapy. Therefore, counseling is essential to detoxing from Amphetamine, as symptoms are primarily psychological. Medications are used to control the symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation, and some psychotic delusions. The rehabilitation centers depend on the duration of addiction and compliance at the rehabilitation centers; improvement is often observed after about three weeks.

Most programs last up to one year if there are no relapses. It is the responsibility of parents to watch their children and teach them how to avoid peer pressure. The earlier the intervention starts, the greater the chances of recovery.


The cost of treating addicts is very high! The cost of lost wages, rehabilitation, and the destruction of human lives is very high too. You can find telephone numbers of various drug treatment centers and rehabilitation programs in community centers, public places, schools, and colleges. Always discuss the effects of drug and alcohol abuse with your children.

  1. Another source of information is the National Institute of Abuse
  2. Call the substance abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations.


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