Practical Attitude That Promotes Resilience After Trauma

Practical Attitude That Promotes Resilience After Trauma
Developing Resilience after Trauma

           To Promote Resilient After Trauma! 

How often do you engage in activities that promote resilience after trauma or energized- a truly strong, unadulterated hope, strength and optimism? At a young age, resilience was a familiar feeling for many of us. As we become adults, we tend to leave our comfort zone in other to make ends needs. This exposes us to different kinds of behaviour and treatment that tend to threaten our mental and physical well-being. We begin to lose trust, and hope engulfed in the fear of uncertainty. Along the way, we forget to apply the factors that promote resilience after trauma and mental well-being.

Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting to changes, stress, or trauma. We are better when we are resilient, able to respond to challenges and can even experience personal growth after a stressful and traumatic event.

A positive mindset and a rewarding career are important goals which will make one resilient after trauma. Giving the key to emotional, psychological and mental well-being in other to function and carry out our daily life duties with strength, and courage as fearless souls. Having the spirit of resilience in life is an ongoing journey that starts with a range of practices that will ultimately direct you to mental and physical wellness.

To Maintain Resilience After Trauma, this Practical Tips is Recommended

1. Create a Positive Daily Routine

Your daily routine has a powerful effect on your cognitive ability and how you process information positively. Exercise helps to reduce depression this is because it helps to improve the production of a chemical messenger known as dopamine in the body, which brightens and boosts moods. This daily routine could be a 30-minute jogging 20-minute run, or a 50-minute long walk every day, try to know the one that works and is good for your health.

2. Building Connections to Promote Resilience After Trauma:

Creating good relationships with people who can see your story with empathy and not as sympathy, to understand your situation and create positive support for you. It may include your family members and your friends, a group of organizations or a community. Do not get discouraged to seek help. If out of 10 people, eight people said ‘no’ try to meet the remaining two, something good will come out of it and remain positive with them.

3. Acceptance Help to Develop Resilience After Trauma

Accepting the things that can’t be changed would help you figure out what you don’t need to associate with. This helps you to know your weaknesses and focus only on your strength and how to make them better.

4. Taking Care of Your Mental Health;

Involves activities that promote your mental well-being, identifying stressors at the initial stage and learning coping mechanisms that would help you strive. Activities, such as practising mindfulness and meditation, and applying psychological and counselling services.

5. To be Resilient After The Trauma You Need to be Optimistic and Grateful.

Gratitude helps to overlook negative comments, situations and cases that may intend to pull you down because you understand your future more than anyone or your family. You need to be grateful for what you do have and step out of your comfort zones because your gratitude attracts your desire, remember the law of attraction. This principle has been used by most successful people, to design the life they wanted to live. If you desire in developing resilience after trauma within you and sharing the energy and the same perspectives with others, you will naturally be an inspiration to others.



Being resilient doesn’t take away stressful situations, events, or negative feelings such as anger or distress. Also, highly resilient people don’t necessarily feel strong or as if they are coping well. So free yourself, the road may seem rocky but I assure you that with resilience you won’t let anything stop you.


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