What Causes Bipolar?

You might have faithfully waited for your loved to be diagnosed bipolar free. According to WHO, in 2019, 40 million

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What Type of Psychology is Therapy

According to Merriam webmaster dictionary psychology can be defined as the science of mind and behavior. Psychology helps us to

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Your one-stop resource for medical news and education.

Psychological Test and Types

Sometimes in a while, when you have signs of headache and malaria, you visit a doctor, who will recommend some

Personality Disorders and Types

Personality disorders refer to an individual way of feeling, thinking and acting. That drift from the expectation of one's culture

Benefits of Living with a Loner

Living with a loner can be beneficial and good for your mental health. Only if you can see the benefits,

10 Signs of Loneliness You May Like to Know

Signs of loneliness can seed harmful effects on your mental health and body. For example, loneliness can cause depression, high blood pressure, other

Overcome Loneliness and Depression Practice These Seven Steps

Loneliness can be described as being alone even when people surround you, this does not mean when you are alone at